November 4, 2024:
I table a petition in relation to the protection of native bushland. This petition has been signed by over 25,000 Australians desperate to end the destructive and uneconomic practices of native forest logging and deforestation. The petition is part of a campaign I've been running to save the Aussie bush. The Australian government is permitting native plants and animals to be pushed to the brink of extinction, and what's worse is that tens of millions of taxpayer dollars are being used to do it. Not only are we paying forestry corporations to log our native Aussie bush but it is being used to produce low-value products like wood chips and tomato stakes, all for a financial loss. Native bushland deserves protection. The Albanese government has the power to do it this year. This petition shows the community wants it done.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Young): The document will be forwarded to the Standing Committee on Petitions for its consideration. It will be accepted subject to confirmation by the committee that it conforms to the standing orders.