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Integrity in Politics

Australians voted overwhelmingly to restore integrity, trust and transparency in our democracy. As your Independent MP for Mackellar I am committed to restoring integrity and decency into politics and creating a culture of accountability and trust in Parliament. As MPs, we must set the standards we want for all Australians where everyone has equal opportunity and a voice on the issues that affect them.

My key integrity and transparency policy priorities are:

  • Ending the 'jobs for mates' culture in federal politics
  • Ending pork barrelling and misuse of public money by the major parties
  • Ensuring the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is strong, effective and independent
  • Reforming electoral laws to improve transparency and limit the influence of donors and lobbyists
  • Protecting and valuing whistleblowers to uncover corrupt and unethical conduct
  • Working to free Julian Assange
  • Ending the practice of pork barrelling
  • Implementing the Jenkins Report to make Parliament a safe place to work and supporting similar policies for diversity in all workplaces


My actions on integrity policy:

  • Introduced my ‘Ending Jobs for Mates’ Bill which aims to legislate an independent and transparent political appointments process to end cronyism is federal politics
  • Supporting Helen Haines’ Bill to End Pork Barrelling
  • Negotiated with the government on amendments to the NACC Bill to strengthen the independence of the body
  • Moved amendments to ensure the Board of the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) is independently appointed
  • Lobbied strongly for the government to enhance whistleblower protections including reform of the Public Interest Disclosure Act
  • Supported moves by the crossbench to implement an independent and transparent process for allocating grant funding to eradicate pork barrelling in federal politics
  • Strongly supported the campaign to free Julian Assange including signing an letter alongside a delegation of Australian federal politicians from all sides of politics
  • Backed Independent MP for Curtin Kate Chaney’s Restoring Trust Bill in a bid to ensure donation laws are fairer and more transparent



I was elected on a platform to do politics differently with integrity and more transparency. See below for the list of people I have sponsored parliamentary passes for:

Han Aulby The Centre for Public Integrity 
Malcolm Baalman Public Health Association of Australia
Romilly Madew Engineers Australia
Jane Ogilvie Australian Schools Plus
John Van Der Kallen Doctors for the Environment Australia
Geoffrey Watson The Centre for Public Integrity 
Catherine Williams The Centre for Public Integrity 


Policy priorities for Mackellar

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Integrity. Positivity. Inclusivity.