Australians voted overwhelmingly to restore integrity, trust and transparency in our democracy. As your Independent MP for Mackellar I am committed to restoring integrity and decency into politics and creating a culture of accountability and trust in Parliament. As MPs, we must set the standards we want for all Australians where everyone has equal opportunity and a voice on the issues that affect them.
My key integrity and transparency policy priorities are:
- Ending the 'jobs for mates' culture in federal politics
- Ending pork barrelling and misuse of public money by the major parties
- Ensuring the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is strong, effective and independent
- Reforming electoral laws to improve transparency and limit the influence of donors and lobbyists
- Protecting and valuing whistleblowers to uncover corrupt and unethical conduct
- Working to free Julian Assange
- Ending the practice of pork barrelling
- Implementing the Jenkins Report to make Parliament a safe place to work and supporting similar policies for diversity in all workplaces
My actions on integrity policy:
- Introduced my ‘Ending Jobs for Mates’ Bill which aims to legislate an independent and transparent political appointments process to end cronyism is federal politics
- Supporting Helen Haines’ Bill to End Pork Barrelling
- Negotiated with the government on amendments to the NACC Bill to strengthen the independence of the body
- Moved amendments to ensure the Board of the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) is independently appointed
- Lobbied strongly for the government to enhance whistleblower protections including reform of the Public Interest Disclosure Act
- Supported moves by the crossbench to implement an independent and transparent process for allocating grant funding to eradicate pork barrelling in federal politics
- Strongly supported the campaign to free Julian Assange including signing an letter alongside a delegation of Australian federal politicians from all sides of politics
- Backed Independent MP for Curtin Kate Chaney’s Restoring Trust Bill in a bid to ensure donation laws are fairer and more transparent
I was elected on a platform to do politics differently with integrity and more transparency. See below for the list of people I have sponsored parliamentary passes for:
Han Aulby | The Centre for Public Integrity |
Malcolm Baalman | Public Health Association of Australia |
Romilly Madew | Engineers Australia |
Jane Ogilvie | Australian Schools Plus |
John Van Der Kallen | Doctors for the Environment Australia |
Geoffrey Watson | The Centre for Public Integrity |
Catherine Williams | The Centre for Public Integrity |