The Community Independent Movement has reinvigorated democracy in this country. In the New South Wales election last weekend, people again voted in droves for Independent representation. In the state seat of Wakehurst in my electorate, for the first time in history there will be Independent representation across all three levels of government. In the other half of Mackellar, in the state seat of Pittwater, the race is still so tight that it's too close to call.
Why are these once extremely safe seats moving? More and more ordinary Australians have been feeling cut out and shut out of their democracy. Instead, they want someone who will listen and genuinely represent the views and values of their community rather than simply toeing a party line. They want their representatives to work constructively across the political spectrum to find solutions to the major challenges that face our nation.
The respectful and solutions focused approach of Community Independent MPs is working. In the last 10 months already we have seen improvement, strengthening and passing of major bills that will vastly improve the future of our nation, including the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022, the Climate Change Bill 2022 target and, this week, the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2023. Although teal is a lovely colour, it does not do justice to the essence of this powerful and positive movement—the Community Independent Movement.