As your Independent MP for Mackellar, my main priority is standing up for and delivering for our community. From leading opposition to the PEP-11 offshore oil and gas licence, I support our small business community and fight for greater services for our local hospitals, schools and roads.
My actions to date:
- Joined forces with Independent MP for Warringah Zali Steggall in calling for an end to the destructive PEP-11 offshore oil and gas licence which would allow oil and gas drilling off our coast
- Pushed the NSW Government to find an alternative solution for the proposed development of 450 new homes at Lizard Rock in Belrose
- Pushed the management of Northern Beaches Hospital to prioritise the implementation of four youth mental health beds. You can support by signing the petition here.
- Lobbied the NSW Government to secure vital funding to address the flooding of Wakehurst Parkway
- Worked with the Cottage Point community to fast track the installation of a long awaited mobile base station
- Worked with Aged Care Minister Anika Wells to support the residents and families of people who have been impacted by the closure of the Wesley Taylor aged care centre in Narrabeen
- Hosted a roundtable for local businesses to meet Industry Minister Ed Husic and learn more about funding opportunities under the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund (NRF)
- Supported the P&C from Narrabeen Sports High School to pressure the NSW Government to fast track much needed repairs and upgrades to the school’s infrastructure
- Continue to urge the NSW Government to complete the road widening of Mona Vale Road
The Voice
I supported the Voice and constitutional recognition of Australia’s Indigenous people. After the defeat of the referendum I will be advocating for practical steps to improve First Nations people’s well-being and mechanisms to ensure that their views are included in all policy making that impacts their lives.
I will support policies that ensure a strong and sustainable NDIS. We need to ensure that those who need NDIS support can access it, while also ensuring that those with lesser needs are supported through community programs. I support the government’s moves to weed out shonky operators and ensure that high quality support is offered to all NDIS recipients.
Industrial Relations
Small business is the backbone of Mackellar. I believe that businesses should not be unduly burdened with red tape and that they should be encouraged to grow and seize new opportunities, particularly as we transition to a low emissions future. I will be pushing for policies that assist in that transition and encourage innovation.
I also believe that employees have a right to expect a fair wages, working conditions and respect in the workplace. I want to see the gender pay gap disappear.
Affordable Housing
The Northern Beaches needs to add more affordable and social housing to meet our needs and those in the future. I support the Northern Beaches Council strategy to encourage more affordable housing. I will also be pushing for a key worker strategy that ensures teachers nurses and police can afford to live close to their places of work in our community.
Asylum Seeker policy
I support the end of indefinite detention of asylum seekers. I want to see strong policies to encourage new arrivals to take their place in our communities.