Photo: Justin Lloyd, The Daily Telegraph
Over 12 months ago the Northern Beaches Hospital was granted $7.5 million by the previous State Government to establish a 4-bed acute adolescent mental health unit. Yet over a year later the hospital still hasn't even developed a timeline for the establishment of this unit.
It seems our local hospital is reluctant to move forward with this much needed resource.
The people of the Northern Beaches deserve a local hospital that responds to the needs of our community. This inpatient mental health unit is desperately needed for our young people in crisis, and the money is there for it to happen.
The closest specialist facility that offers acute adolescent mental health inpatient care is in Hornsby but for our children and families on the Northern Beaches, this is too far away.
Our young people need specialised inpatient crisis mental health care on the Northern Beaches now.
If you would like to help ensure that this specialist mental health service for our young people is delivered – please add your name to the petition to make sure it happens.
Our young people need specialised inpatient crisis mental health care on the Northern Beaches now.
Sign the petition and support the call on Northern Beaches Hospital to establish the acute adolescent mental health beds by Christmas 2023.