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Dr Sophie Scamps

Can you help to keep Mackellar’s Independent voice in parliament?

It's a privilege to serve Mackellar and I hope you’ll join me as we work to scale up our impact and ensure our voice continues to be heard in Canberra.

Your donation will help deliver sensible solutions for the issues that matter to the people of Mackellar.

Thank you for helping keep Mackellar independent!

There has never been a more important time for community-led independents like Sophie, to have a voice in the Australian Parliament.

Your donation will help support the work of Dr Sophie Scamps, your Independent Member for Mackellar.

Political donations up to $1,500 per year are tax deductible 

Important Donor Information

  • You are donating to the Federal Member for Mackellar, Sophie Scamps through Independent Mackellar Pty Ltd
  • Donations  are tax deductible for individual donors (not companies) up to $1,500 in a financial year. For more information on tax deductions, please refer to your financial advisor or the ATO.
  • There are no caps on political donations to a Federal MP under Commonwealth electoral laws. However, if your donation is $16,900 or more (or exceeds $16,900 once other donations you may have made in the 2024/25 financial year are taken into account) then your name and amount of donation will need to be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission. You will also need to lodge a donor disclosure, which we will remind you about at the time.  Please see here for more donor disclosure information.
  • By making a donation, you declare that you are not a foreign donor. If we have concerns about your eligibility, we may ask for proof of relevant status.

* The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 prohibits the knowing receipt of donations from foreign donors. 

By making a donation, you warrant that you are not a foreign donor.

Foreign donors include:

  • a foreign public enterprise;
  • an entity (whether or not incorporated) that does not meet any of the following conditions:

         - the entity is incorporated in Australia;
         - the entity's head office is in Australia;
         - the entity's principal place of activity is, or is in, Australia;

  • an individual who is none of the following:
     - an elector;
     - an Australian citizen;
     - an Australian resident;
     - a New Zealand citizen who holds a Subclass 444 (Special Category) visa under the Migration Act 1958 (or if that Subclass ceases to exist, the kind of visa that replaces that Subclass).